Blog: Who Needs “Game of Thrones”?

Who needs “Game of Thrones” when we have the War on the Potomac?  Speaker Ryan is doing his best to chain the President to his tax cut disguised as health care reform.  The President can easily slip those bonds – that is child’s play for Mr. Trump.  What is crystal clear however is that the Republican leadership wants to repeal all of the taxes (which fall mostly on the wealthy) and which have been used to fund the

Speaker Ryan is doing his best to chain the President to his tax cut disguised as health care reform.  The President can easily slip those bonds – that is child’s play for Mr. Trump.  What is crystal clear however is that the Republican leadership wants to repeal all of the taxes (which fall mostly on the wealthy) and which have been used to fund the

What is crystal clear, however, is that the Republican leadership wants to repeal all of the taxes (which fall mostly on the wealthy) that have been used to fund the middle-class health insurance subsidies and Medicaid for those at or near the poverty level. As the Democrats eat popcorn in the stands, Republicans are tearing each other apart.

This is all happening in real time and eventually, there will be a slow motion replay of these weeks where historians try to figure out who was stabbing whom where and with what and why?  If the Ryan plan fails so will his Speakership – and with it the ability of the Republicans to define and control the legislative agenda.  Then, and only then, might the President sit with the populists on the Democratic side to pass a Medicare/Medicaid for all plan – and THAT will be a beautiful thing.

If the Ryan plan fails so will his Speakership – and with it the ability of the Republicans to define and control the legislative agenda.  Then, and only then, might the President sit with the populists on the Democratic side to pass a Medicare/Medicaid for all plan – and THAT will be a beautiful thing. — Steve Larchuck


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